What's New?


Information Technology

 Have you ever noticed the technology used when you buy your chips and cola from the local c-store? Whether you are paying with cash or with a credit card, the transactions are seemless because of the available technology we have installed at your local store. Like many retail environments today, the c-store and petroleum industry is now automating the way they do business.

 Although virtually unnoticed by you, behind that “Employees Only” door is a software system tied into the corporate home office. From this back-office PC, Managers are able to automate their daily paperwork and even train new employees. Store information are submitted to the home office daily, and staffs are able to use this information for financial reporting, decision support, fuel management, and payroll support. Automating these areas allows our c-stores to grow with our competition and returning our customers to our stores.

 The I.T. department oversees all computer related, scanning with the hand-held, and network problems. Please do not hesitate to give us a call for any I.T. related problems.